Useful Formulas


TRIANGLE: A = ab / 2 (a = height, b = base): half the product of the base height

SQUARE: A = a2 (to one of the sides)

RECTANGLE: A = ab (at height, b base): product of the base height

TRAPECIO: A = a (b + c) / 2 (b longest side, c shortest side, at height): half the product of the height by the sum of the parallel sides

REGULAR PENTAGON: A = 1,720 a2 (to one of the squares)

REGULAR HEXAGON: A = 2,598 a2 (to one of the sides)

REGULAR OCTAGON: A = 4.828 a2 (to one of the sides)

CIRCLE: A = ¶R2 (¶ 3.14159, r radius)

SPHERICAL SURFACE: 4¶ r2, in other words 4 times the area of ??the circle.

PI (¶) is the ratio of the length of a circle to its diameter; its value with 14 decimals is 3.14159265358989; in practice, 3.14159 is used.

CIRCUMFERENCE: C = 2¶ r (¶ 3.14159, r radius) So the length of the circumference is equal to twice the radius (ie the diameter) for the reason ¶

CUBE: V = a3 (to one of the edges)

RECTANGULAR PRISM: V = abc (a length, b width, c depth)

PYRAMID: V = Ah / 3 (A area of ??the base, h height): third part of the product of the area of ??the base

CYLINDER: V = ¶r2h, that is, the area of ??the base (which is a circle) by the height (h)

CONE: V = ¶r2h / 3 a third of the base area by height (h)

SPHERE: V = 4¶r2 = / 3 (¶ 3.14159, radius r)

CONVERSION OF THE MATTER IN ENERGY: E = mc2 (E represents the energy in ergios, m the mass or matter in grams and c the speed of light in centimeters per second, or the figure of 30,000 million).

Conversion Factors

To convert in Multiply by To Convert in Multiply by
Acres Hectares 0,4047 Square meter Square feet 10,7639
Bushels Hectoliters 0,3524 Square meter Square Yards 1.1960
Centimeters Inches 0,3937 Cubic meters Cubic feet 35,3145
Square Centimeters Square Inches 0,1550 Cubic meters Cubic Yards 1,3079
Cubic centimeters Cubed Inches 0,0610 Millimeters Inches 0,0394
American gallons Liters 3,7853 Miles Kilometers 1,6093
Grams Grain 15,4224 Ounces Grams 28,3495
Grams Ounces 0,0353 Feet Meters 0,3048
Grams Grams 0,0648 Square feet Square meter 0,0929
Hectaries Acres 2,4710 Cubic feet Cubic meters 0,0283
Hectoliters Bushels 2,8378 Inches Millimeters 25,4001
Kilograms Pounds (av.) 2,2046 Inches Centimeters 2,5400
Kilograms Troy pounds 2,6792 Square Inches Square Centimeters 6,4516
Kilometers Miles 0,6214 Cubed Inches Cubic centimeters 16,3872
Pounds (av.) Kilograms 0,4563 Pintas (Arid) Liters 0,5506
Troy pounds Kilograms 0,3732 Pints (Liquid) Liters 0,4732
Liters American Gallons 0,2642 American Tons Metric Tons 0,9072
Liters Pintas (Arid) 1,8162 English Tons Metric Tons 1,0160
Liters Pints (Liquid) 2,1134 Metric Tons American Tons 1,1023
Liters Quarts (Arid) 0,9081 Metric Tons English Tons 0,9842
Liters Quarts (Liquids) 1,0567 Yards Meters 0,9144
Meters Feet 3,2808 Square Yards Square meter 0,8361
Meters Yards 1,0936 Cubic yards Cubic meters 0,7646

Wire Gauge Conversion

B. W. G. S. W. G. A. S. W. CALIBER WIRE NUMBER B. W. G. S. W. G.
3/0 10,79 9,45 9,21 15 1,83 1,83
2/0 9,65 8,48 8,41 16 1,65 1,625
1/0 8,68 8,23 7,78 17 1,47 1,422
1 7,62 7,62 7,19 18 1,24 1,219
2 7,21 7,01 6,67 19 1,07 1,016
3 6,58 6,40 6,19 20 0,89 0,914
4 6,04 5,89 5,72 21 0,81 0,813
5 5,59 5,38 5,26 22 0,71 0,711
6 5,16 4,88 4,88 23 0,63 0,610
7 4,57 4,47 4,50 24 0,56 0,559
8 4,19 4,06 4,11 25 0,51 0,508
9 3,76 3,66 3,77 26 0,46 0,457
10 3,40 3,25 3,43 27 0,41 0,417
11 3,05 2,95 3,06 28 0,36 0,376
12 2,77 2,64 2,68 29 0,33 0,345
13 2,41 2,34 2,32 30 0,305 0,315
14 2,11 2,03 2,03

Weights and Measures (Metric System)


The metric system is the one used in most civilized countries. Its fundamental units are: for lengths the meter; for weights the gram; and for capacities the liter. The square meter is used to measure the surfaces, and the cubic meter to measure the volumes.

The derived units are multiples or sub multiples of the fundamental ones. Each one is worth ten of the immediately inferior ones. The multiples are formed, prefixing the name of the fundamental unit, the Greek voices: deca, which means 10; hecto, 100; kilo, 1000; myria, 10,000; putting the Latin voices first: deci, which means tenth; centi, hundredth; and mili, thousandth. Today the micro particle is also used, which means millionth.


The meter is equivalent to 1,650,763.73 wavelengths of the red-orange ray emitted in a vacuum by a crypton-86 gas atom. At first, the meter was intended to be a ten-millionth part of the quadrant of the terrestrial meridian, but this definition was abandoned because of the difficulty of making such a measurement with absolute precision. Then the international prototype meter was kept (until 1960) in a platinum bar and kept at a temperature of 0 ° C.

1 myriameter (Mm.) 10.000 meters
1 kilometer (Km.) 1.000
1 hectometer (hm.) 100
1 decameter (Dm.) 10
1 meter (m.) 1
1 decimeter (dm.) 0,1
1 centimeter (cm.) 0,01
1 millimeter (mm.) 0,001
1 micron (or micromillimeter) 0,000.001 0,000.1 mm.
1 millimicra (or millimicron) 0,000.000.001 0,001 micra
1 angstrom (A.) 0,000.000.1 mm. | 0,000.1 micra | 0,1 milimicra


1 square diameter (Mm2) 100.000.000 m2
1 square kilometer (km2) 1.000.000 m2
1 hectare (Ha.) or square hectoliter (hm2) 10.000 m2
1 area (a.) or square decameter (Dm2) 100 m2
1 square meter (m2) 1 m2
1 square decimeter (dm2) 0,01 m2
1 square centimeter (cm2) 0,000.1 m2
1 square millimeter (mm2) 0,000.001 m2


1 cubic kilometer (km3) m3
1 cubic hectoliter (hm3) 1.000.000 m3
1 cubic decimeter (Dm3) 1.000 m3
1 cubic meter (m3) or stereo 1 m3
1 cubic decimeter (dm3) 0,000.1 m3
1 cubic centimeter (cm3) 0,000.001 m3
1 cubic millimeter (mm3) 0,000.000.001 m3



The gram is one thousandth of the international prototype kilogram. Platinum and iridium cylinder that is kept in the international office of weights and measures, in France. The gram is almost exactly equal to the weight of a cubic centimeter of pure water at 4 ° C of temperature, at sea level.

1 metric ton (T) 1.000 kg.
1 quintal metric (q) 100 kg.
1 milligram (Mg) 10 kg.
1 kilogram (kg) 1 kg. 1.000 g.
1 hectogram (hg) 100 g.
1 decagram (Dg) 10 g.
1 gram (g) 1g.
1 decigram (dg) 0,1 g.
1 centigram (cg) 0,01 g.
1 milligram (mg) 0,001 g.
1 metric kilate 200 mg. 0,2 g.


1 kiloliter (kl) 1.000 liters 1 m3
1 hectoliter (hl) 100 liters
1 decalitro (Dl) 10 liters
1 liter (l) 1 liter 1 dm3
1 deciliter (dl) 0,1
1 centiliter (cl) 0,01
1 milliliter (ml) 0,001